
When To Stay Home Guidelines

If a student is exhibiting any of these symptoms: cough, fever of 100.4 or higher, chills, shortness of breath, muscle aches, headache, runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting,  or loss of smell/taste: the student MUST isolate at home and test for Covid-19.

If student is negative for Covid-19 they may return to school if:

  • No fever within the past 24 hours (without medication)
  • Symptoms have significantly improved

If symptoms persist. Retest every 24-48 hours through at least five days after symptoms started. 

In the case of a known exposure to COVID-19:

  • If a co-op student or staff member is diagnosed with COVID-19, we will report to Public Health and North Seattle College.
  • All affected classes will be notified if someone in attendance at school tests positive for COVID-19.  In all cases the confidentiality of the family will be respected.  Information shared with the school at large will be: class where exposure may have happened, last day that exposure occurred, and nature of exposure (student/working caregiver/teacher). 
  • Teachers, students, and working caregivers with a known Covid-19 exposure may continue to come to class if they test negative for Covid-19  and do not develop symptoms within 10 days. They should wear a well fitting mask (preferably kn94, n95 type) while at school for 10 days and retest every 24-48 hours for the first 5 days after exposure.

In the case of a Covid-19 positive student, staff or working caregiver:

  • The Co-Chairs should be notified as soon as possible. Info will also be shared with health and safety manager and plan will be set for follow up with family.
  • Anyone who tests positive for Covid-19 should remain home and isolate for 5 days.
  • If after 5 days they are testing negative on a home rapid antigen test AND their symptoms have greatly improved they may return to school but should wear a well fitting (kn94, n95v type) mask for day 6-10. If they continue to test positive they should remain home until day 10 and then may return to school. Testing status will need to be communicated to Co-chairs before returning.

Daily Health Screening for students, staff and working parents

Before coming to school families should be self screening for Covid-19 symptoms. Do you or your child have any of the following symptoms that are not attributable to another condition now or in the past 24 hours?

  • A cough 
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 
  • A fever of 100.4°F or higher or a sense of having a fever 
  • A sore throat 
  • Chills 
  • New loss of taste or smell 
  • Muscle or body aches 
  • Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea 
  • Congestion/running nose – in conjunction with other symptoms and not related to seasonal allergies or cold weather
  • Unusual fatigue
  • Has your child had any medication to reduce a fever before coming to care?

If the answer to all of the above questions is “no” then you and your child are clear to come to school.


  • VMCP is mask optional 
  • Anyone with a know Covid-19 exposure will be required to wear a well fitting (kn94, n95 type) mask for 10 days following exposure
  • Anyone who is returning to school after day 5 of a known Covid-19 infection will be required to wear a well fitting (preferably kn94, n95 type) mask for day 6-10.

Cleaning and disinfection

  • If dirty, clean surfaces using soap and water, then use disinfectant
  • Shared toys should be cleaned during circle time or more immediately if you see a child mouthing the toy
  • High-touch surfaces made of plastic or metal, such as grab bars and railings, should be cleaned routinely. 
  • Cleaning and disinfection of wooden surfaces (play structures, benches, tables) or groundcovers (mulch, sand) is not recommended.


Proper handwashing is important, please teach students to do this well!

  • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If hands are not visibly dirty, alcohol based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol can be used if soap and water are not readily available. 
  • Supervise children when they use hand sanitizer to prevent ingestion. 
  • Per child care rules, alcohol-based hand gels are not allowed for children under age 2. 
  • Assist children with handwashing. After assisting children with handwashing, staff should also wash their hands.

All children, staff, and volunteers should wash hands at the following times:

  • Arrival to the facility 
  • Before and after preparing food or drinks 
  • Before and after eating or handling food, or feeding children 
  • Before and after administering medication or medical ointment 
  • Before and after diapering 
  • After using the toilet or helping a child use the bathroom 
  • After coming in contact with bodily fluid or after playing outdoors 
  • After handling garbage


  • All adults in attendance of school must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have a medical or religious exemption filed.
  • Vaccines for Students 6 months and older are encouraged but not required at this time.